Just a footnote to your awesome story!

The Lord blessed the latter part of Job’s life more than the former part.

-Job 42:12a, NIV

Looking back is odd these days, I feel like I am considering a stranger as I think about my first marriage.

God has truly blessed the second part of my life. I feel tremendously grateful for all He has poured out upon my life these days.

I share this as an encouragement.

It has been just a little over a full decade since my divorce. Yet my life is rebuilt better than I could have ever imagined back then.

My career is thriving. I have an amazing and beautiful wife in Mrs. DM. Plus, I am a proud father of Munchkin who fills my heart with joy and laughter. (And we have four lovely parrots that never would have become part of my life apart from meeting Mrs. DM.)

None of this would have been possible if I had given into despair during my first marriage’s adulterous demise.

I write this to those in the midst of their darkest hours. Do not give up! I testify to God’s goodness and faithfulness to me.

It CAN get MUCH better post-cheater! My life is a loud testimony to that.

One day, you will wake up and look back upon that time as mere history of a person who you once were. It will only be a sad chapter, a footnote, to your amazing life story!




*A version of this post ran previously. Updated.