Lifting the curtain

17 And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

-2 Kings 6:17, NIV

Often times, we do not see what God is doing in the background and the darkness. Then comes a moment when we might catch a glimpse.

This verse is from a story when Elisha was being pursued by armies intent on killing him. His servant was scared, but Elisha was not. Elisha could see the heavenly armies around him. So, he prayed that his servant’s eyes to be open to that reality as well.

Yesterday, I had a conversation with someone who opened my eyes to what God may be up to in this season of my life.

The conversation gave me encouragement and a reminder that God is doing something MUCH bigger than one person can accomplish… BUT I get to be a part of it!!!

I do not know where you are at in God’s calling and assignment on your life. You might feel like that servant–i.e. surrounded by enemies and about to be annihilated.

Fear not! You might not see God’s angel armies but they are around you (see Psalm 34:7)!!

And I hope and pray that you, too, might catch a glimpse into the heavenlies as I did the other day.