Marriage counseling is not magic. Therapy is not enough.

If attending pre-marital counseling, marriage therapy, and individual therapy could make a good marriage, then my first marriage ought to have been amazing.

It wasn’t.

Instead, my current marriage with Mrs. DM–where we have attended nearly zero therapy sessions together–is thriving.

What’s my point?

Attending therapy does not make a good marriage. Other elements are far more important in my experience.

Therapy alone does NOT make a good marriage or fix a bad one.

I am not opposed to therapy. In fact, I believe I benefited from some good therapy in my past. However, I do not blindly trust therapists or believe therapy is a magic solution to issues.

To be fair, my negative experience with the therapy world is colored by my relationship with my ex-wife. She is a licensed therapist to this day.

I will never forget her looking me in the face telling me her affair–which she was denying at the time–had nothing to do with our marriage troubles. That sort of experience sticks with you.

I guess the moral of the story is to find a healthy individual for a spouse who knows how to apologize and own their their actions.

Also, it is important not to blindly trust therapists just as you ought not to blindly trust pastors. Make sure their counsel aligns with Scripture.


*A version of this post ran previously.