Officially sanctioned activity

My current employer is the federal government of the United States. As a chaplain in government employ, I had to seek approval from the ethics division of my government division to continue this blogging ministry.

So, there was  a period of time that I was unsure whether or not I would be able to continue providing this ministry (and keep my job)…

I am happy to report that I was granted official approval to continue this blogging ministry!

Having had my employment in a different setting attacked for doing this ministry, this is a HUGE answer to prayer and a confirmation to me that God wants me at my current job. What a gift!

So, that means I will continue blogging and providing pastoral commentary that takes adultery seriously!

6 thoughts on “Officially sanctioned activity”

  1. I read this blog every day you post, and it has given me more comfort and hope than I know how to express. Thank you for doing this work.

  2. When I found out my husband was committing adultery with a woman from the church we belonged to and they were “told by God that I was going to die so they could marry each other”, I realized there was no hope.

    One night in prayer in my head, I heard the words “google divorce minister”. At first, I resisted, thinking I was losing my mind and was hearing something off the wall.

    It was so persistent, I finally gave in and googled divorce minister. To my utter shock, your website popped up.

    You have helped me in so many ways to stay strong, file for divorce, and realize I was not at fault and that adultery is truly soul rape. The most painful thing I have ever been thru.

    My ex and the woman married two weeks to the day after our divorce. Eleven weeks later he came knocking on my door crying and telling me what a mess he was in. I sent him away reminding him of his words, she is the love of my life, I never knew this kind of love exists, etc. I also told him he needed to be true to his new wife.

    I was vindicated, another thing the Lord had told me would happen thru my doctor no less.

    The point of all of this is God has placed you for such a time as this and leads hurting people here for the help they need!


      1. Thank you! I forgot to add that I bought your book and eventually passed it on to my best friend and her husband who are pastors and do counseling.

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