The [False!] Gospel According To Cheater

For the time is coming when they will no longer listen and respond to the healing words of truth because they will become selfish and proud. They will seek out teachers with soothing words that line up with their desires, saying just what they want to hear.

-2 Timothy 4:3, TPT

The [False!] Gospel According To Cheater

I bet many of us have encountered the false gospel preached by cheaters and their supporters. Sadly, this false doctrine is very common, and some who preach it ought to know better.

Examples are helpful in discerning whether or not you have sat under the teachings of such false doctrine…

The [False!] Gospel According To Cheater:

Chapter 1:1-2 God would never want me to be miserable. So, that makes it alright to lie, steal, and put my spouse at STD risk by cheating on him (or her).

Chapter 2:1-3 We (Affair Partner and Cheater) are so happy; therefore, that means God must be blessing this union. In fact, God must have brought us together for it to be this good.

Chapter 3:1-5 God is more upset with my spouse’s “failings” than all my infidelities and lies that I told him. My affair(s) were only a “cry for help.” God wouldn’t condemn me for that. That mean my spouse is the evil one bringing up these things since they only happened because he ….

Chapter 4:1-2 God forgives me. So, all is good. I do not need to evidence any repentance like making amends to the partner I cheated.

Chapter 5:1-3 She has to forgive me for my cheating, because she is a Christian. Besides, what I did wasn’t that bad. Forgiveness demands nothing of me.

Do any of these sound familiar?

They are all false. Something is twisted in their theology. A cheater believing these things is not walking in the truth. Someone who teaches such things–cheater or not–is teaching false doctrine.

One thing that is a distinctive of such false gospels is how it is only “Good News” for the cheater. It is usually “bad news” for the victim(s) of the cheater. Such false gospels are crafted to “justify” or “excuse” sin, which God does not do.

That said, we cannot force someone hell-bent on believing false teachings. However, we do  not have to join them in agreement.

They are free to choose to believe lies about God and walk in the darkness. We as true children of God can choose rather to believe the truth and walk in the light.

Just because a cheater proclaims a “gospel” and zealously engages in proselytizing does not mean we must become victims of such false gospels.