Bondage-Breaking Music

So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God’s Spirit when he adopted you as his own children. Now we call him, “Abba, Father.”

-Romans 8:15, NLT

Music is powerful.

It moves the soul. Plato recognized this writing about controlling what music one heard as part of his proposed social experiment in The Republic.

What I find helpful when I know a truth and yet am still struggling to believe this truth is to sit in a worship song to work the truth into my soul.

It is one thing to know in our minds that we are no longer in bondage to fear. And it is another to live out this truth as confident children of God when faced with anxiety-inducing circumstances.

The Enemy thrives on sowing fear:

He wants you to believe that God is untrustworthy. He wants you to believe that God doesn’t really love you. He wants you to believe that God is not “for” you.

All of these are lies.

Today, if you are fighting fear and these lies in your spirit, I offer you a link to a song that ministered to my soul. It takes the truth found in Romans 8:15 and sets it to soul-freeing music.

“No Longer Slaves” by Jonathan David & Melissa Helser–


*A version of this ran previously.