Admission of wrongdoing is first step towards true repentance.

No one who lives in him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has either seen him or known him. -I John 3:6, NIV Does the cheater willingly admit the cheating was sin? Or is the cheating minimized as something less than wrong? Does the cheater try and “justify” the cheating and lying as “not … Continue reading “Admission of wrongdoing is first step towards true repentance.”

Why are you no longer married? Ask the cheater.

“The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?” -Jeremiah 17:9, NLT Feeling obligated to have an explanation for an abandonment or divorce plays a significant role in the suffering of faithful spouses. It is crazy-making. You do not have access to the thoughts … Continue reading “Why are you no longer married? Ask the cheater.”

Do not loose sight of the real problem: The cheater’s lack of character!

Listen to this catchy new country song by Cam: The temptation is to blame the other person involved with our cheater. It is easier to focus our rage at them as opposed to the real source of our hurt. The cheater. I love the lyrics in this song talking about blaming the Other Woman as … Continue reading “Do not loose sight of the real problem: The cheater’s lack of character!”

Faithful spouses are manipulated and abused!

Rescue me, Lord, from evildoers;     protect me from the violent, who devise evil plans in their hearts     and stir up war every day. They make their tongues as sharp as a serpent’s;     the poison of vipers is on their lips. -Psalm 140:1-3, NIV Cheaters know what they are doing. -They lie to avoid giving the faithful spouse the power that … Continue reading “Faithful spouses are manipulated and abused!”

Other people are affected, too!

You must purge the evil from Israel. -Deuteronomy 22:22b, NIV Divorce and abandonment by a cheater impacts the whole community. This is not a private matter! I was reading an article the other night where the parents of a cheater is struggling with what to do with the lover. They really loved their (now former) … Continue reading “Other people are affected, too!”

You do not owe your cheater agreement!

Your worth is not based on your cheater’s opinion of you. It is important to remember that you do not need to agree with your cheater. You are free to have your own opinions and views. This is true even if your cheater thinks otherwise. In that spirit, I share a song to encourage you: … Continue reading “You do not owe your cheater agreement!”

On fools and foolish arguments.

Don’t answer the foolish arguments of fools, or you will become as foolish as they are. -Proverbs 26:4, NLT If someone is not willing to listen, save your breath. They have made up their mind, and you are best moving on. You do not need to stick your head into that mind-blender. Move on. Let … Continue reading “On fools and foolish arguments.”

Dear DM, Are second marriages adulterous?

Hi DM, I know that my comment would have almost nothing to do with your OG post, but I’ve been really struggling with this and I need your help. I’m a Pentecostal Christian, my wife let me years ago due to infidelity, she had lots of “lovers”, my life has been a mess since then … Continue reading “Dear DM, Are second marriages adulterous?”

Stopping the sex is NOT enough!

While it is important that the cheating stops, the damage has already been done. Stopping is not the same as repairing. I think this needs to be said. The temptation exists to ignore the damage caused by the cheating as long as “it is over.” Why? The aftermath is not pleasant. It leads to uncomfortable … Continue reading “Stopping the sex is NOT enough!”