Poor judgment

Don’t be so stupid as to think
    you can get away with your adultery.
    It will destroy your life, and you’ll pay the price
    for the rest of your days.

-Proverbs 6:32, TPT

Some cheaters are so drunk on their pride that they believe no one will discover their adulterous sins.

This is really sad. These are people stuck in sin. They are caught up in the world of fools as described in Proverbs. It does not end well for people like this.

Adultery is a sin that reveals fundamental flaws in the cheater’s judgment.

Do you want to rely on such a person? 

One of the translations of this verse talks about this being about the cheater lacking judgement. They aren’t making good choices when they chose adultery is another way to think of it.

It is obvious to victims of adultery this is so.

You cannot commit adultery without harming yourself. How do I know? Marriage is a spiritual union (see Mt 19:5). Violation of that union does not only harm the faithful partner; it harms the cheater as well. 

So, yes, cheater lack good judgment! Big time!!