Same Demonic Pattern

And when I forgive whatever needs to be forgiven, I do so with Christ’s authority for your benefit, so that Satan will not outsmart us. For we are familiar with his evil schemes.

-2 Corinthians 2:10b-11, NLT

When the same attacks and even words are used to tear down, I suspect a demonic origin behind those words and attacks.

This is especially true–in my opinion–of the common lies and lines cheaters deliver to tear down faithful spouses and “excuse” their behavior. It is downright demonic!

And I believe this principle applies to broader situations. Evil is not original. The lines given to harass and tear us down are well-trodden paths.

An example of this is the line from “Christians” to “own your part” in being abused or otherwise mistreated.

It is so frustrating as a pastor and faithful spouse to keep hearing people talk in this way about actions done to me. They fail to understand the basic concept of moral responsibility–i.e. we are responsible for our own actions and not of another’s (see 2 Corinthians 5:10).

I call it a demonic lie.

It is such as this simple and insidious line has the power to entrap a faithful spouse into cycles of self-flagellation over matters outside his or her control–namely, the decisions and behavior of others. The lie is destructive, cruel, and common.

Even though Satan is not original, I do believe he tailors his lies to inflict the greatest pain upon his victims.

If you are a mother, he might lie about you being unfit because of your divorce or some other trivial accusation from the cheater.

If you are a husband and father, he might lie about you being unfit because you are struggling to find full-time work in the midst of the divorce trauma.

You get the idea. Evil drills down upon what we value–like being a mother or father-provider–and seeds lies about us there.

It is not original. Yes, it hurts.

But now you are equipped to recognize the lie and call it out as such!


*If this ministry feeds your soul and you are able, I would welcome financial encouragement in this season especially. Below is a link to donate!
