Too Much at Stake to Sail Off!

So until I come, be diligent in devouring the Word of God, be faithful in prayer, and in teaching the believers.

-I Timothy 4:13, TPT

Too much is at stake to just sail off into my blessed sunset!

I wish more faithful spouse pastors had not simply sailed off into their sunset prior to my experience. It would have been helpful to have their voices as correctives to a church that gets adultery and divorce so wrong, so often.

But I understand the temptation…

The spiritual warfare to stop this online ministry to faithful spouses and their supporters has been fierce! I have experienced all sorts of attacks including on my livelihood.

But I also see God blessing this ministry!

It would be easier to simply quietly go about building my career. I would be less open to attacks over “concerns” about my “healing.” Plus, I wouldn’t have to have any awkward conversations with people who would prefer to live in denial about such evil existing in this world.

But that would mean my voice–a voice advocating for better care of faithful spouses in the church–would go silent. So, I am not going to do that.

This is more than a blog. It is a calling. God has placed this ministry to faithful spouses on my heart and has equipped me uniquely to help His Church.

And this is not “just” about helping faithful spouses directly. This ministry exists to equip all the saints.

I believe many  well-meaning Christians would have responded better to me if they had simply had good faithful spouse teaching on the matter. They genuinely  care but were not equipped to provide effective care.

Besides this blog ministry, my book is aimed to change that. This voice in the desert is not going quiet anytime soon!

By the way, I have completed the rough book manuscript and have hired a professional editor to whip it into shape. It is getting closer and closer to becoming a real book!


*If you find this website feeds your soul, I would greatly appreciate financial support at this time. Below is a button to donate, and please only donate if you are financially able! Your prayers are always welcome for favor upon this work and God’s provision for me.

3 thoughts on “Too Much at Stake to Sail Off!”

  1. DM, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your ministry. It was over 3 yrs ago that someone from another blog suggested I look you up. Being a long time Christian, having been in ministry and married for over 3 decades I struggled with the WHY I was being blamed & held accountable for xh behavior and lack of recovery.
    Starting with his elderly parents who had been ministers for over 60+ years, the pastors of our church, somehow all eyes and all blame went to me. I rejected all of it, knowing it was 100% my xh cheating, lying and breaking our vows that single handedly ended our marriage. YOUR site gave me the proper scriptures and interpretation of them to divorce. My xh got a pass for so long that like everything else in his life, he felt entitled. Ive had to just let it go as I did him. But it still shocks me how the faithful spouse is abused more from the very people who should stand beside them. Keep LOOKING UP and thank you and bless this ministry!!

  2. Please don’t stop. Your writings are really helpful. So many Christians, Pastors included, want to implement “forgiveness” and think it is fixed and move on. Like Job’s friends they feel deeply uncomfortable with sitting with someone in deep inexplicable pain. You are following in the footsteps of many Christians of the past who have dug deeply into the most painful experiences of their lives and found treasures to draw out and share with other tired pilgrims on The Way.

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