Who is your Hur? Your Aaron?

 Aaron and Hur held his hands up—one on one side, one on the other—so that his hands remained steady till sunset.

-Exodus 17:12b, NIV

This verse comes from a story about a battle where the Israelites were winning as long as Moses kept his arms raised. Obviously, Moses’ arms got weary. When he grew tired, Hur and Aaron helped hold up his arms to ensure victory for God’s people.

Do you have someone you can call who will encourage you when you are doing battle with the fear giants?

It is so important we have people like Hur and Aaron in our lives. They are people who share our same goals. These are people who encourage us when our courage wavers.

They remind us that we are “worth it.” When we are tempted to settle for less than real repentance, they remind us how this is less than what God has for us (and the cheater even).

These are the people who tell us that good is around the corner. They fill our hearts with hope when we are too weak to hope for ourselves.

They remind us the pain will end, and in doing so, they make space for us to face our sorrows without fear of tears consuming us completely.

Who is this person or persons for you? Do you have someone who encourages you? Where do you go for a message of hope? Who is reminding you of God’s ridiculous and gushing love for you?

We need a Hur. Better yet, we need a Hur and an Aaron. God knows even knowing what is necessary is not enough. We need back up.

Then one day, maybe, you will find yourself being Hur or Aaron for another? I hope I fill that role for some of you here.

Good things are coming, because we serve a good God who is not done with you. He has gushing love for you. It is almost embarrassing to think how much love He has for you; how much He loves you. Never forget that!