Book Resource For Faithful Spouses


2016-04-05 20.10.07 (1)

Screen shot of book’s page (click here)

Leave a Cheater, Gain a Life: The Chump Lady’s Survival Guide

By Tracy Schorn


Today, Chump Lady‘s newest book was released in Kindle format (Hard copies are to be released later). I just wanted to spend today’s post recommending this book to my blog readership.

This book will give faithful spouses and their supporters terms and concepts to help grasp the experience of dealing with infidelity and the behavior cheaters exhibit. I call such behavior demonic on this blog as it is eerily the same tricks and is extremely destructive. Chump Lady–i.e. author Tracy Schorn–tackles it as a street-smart person who has lived through being “chumped” herself–i.e. she’s a faithful spouse.

A few disclaimers:

1. This does not claim to be a “Christian” resource. Chump Lady admittedly has a potty-mouth. That said, the concepts and ideas are like learning from someone who understands how the real world works as it regards infidelity. However, I want to be up front that the language “packaging” might be offensive to some. Remember that this resource is not written to a specific Christian audience and ought not to be assessed that way. Treat it as a secular resource–an excellent one, in my opinion.

2. This book is not pro-marriage reconciliation. The title makes that clear: Leave a Cheater, Gain a Life. If what one wants is a pro-reconciliation resource, plenty of those exist out there elsewhere. This book is not one of those. It is written like advice from the friend who tells you the difficult truth straight. Each of us need at least one of those friends when going through infidelity discovery (not to mention life in general).

“Name it to tame it” is a saying I have heard to describe dealing with messy psychological situations.

This is a book that will help you to “name it” as it comes to cheater behavior as well as encourage you that you are not the only faithful spouse–i.e. “chump”–having gone through this deep valley. Give it a look!

One thought on “Book Resource For Faithful Spouses”

  1. I love Tracy. Though, I haven’t been one to swear, I find her potty mouth endearing.

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